Pengaruh Budaya Organisasi dan Kepemimpinan terhadap Kinerja melalui Variabel Mediasi Komitmen Organisasional Karyawan Perusahaan Swasta di Surabaya Timur

H.Teman Koesmono

Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Khatolik Widya Mandala Surabaya

Abstract: The purpose of this research is to find out how far Organizational Culture and Leadership can effect their Organizational Commitment and Job Performance of employee’s (supervisor) The result of the direct effect of Organizational Culture toward Organizational Commitment is 0.782 and to ward Job Performance is 0.743. The research is the direct effect Leadership toward Organizational Commitment is 0.632 and to ward Job Performance is 0.358. Beside, this research result the direct effect Organizational Commitment to Job Performance is 0.337. This research result useful for nect researchers, as research material in organizational behavior science or the same kind of science

 Key words: Organizational culture, leadership, organizational commitment and job performance

Analisis Kepuasan Kerja Karyawan Hotel Hyatt Regency Yogyakarta Dilihat dari Sisi Demografis

Eddy M. Sutanto

Program Studi Manajemen Bisnis – Universitas Kristen Petra Surabaya

Lusi Anggraini

Alumni Program Studi Manajemen Bisnis – Universitas Kristen Petra S

Abstract: The purpose of this research is to find out how far Organizational Culture and Leadership can effect their Organizational Commitment and Job Performance of employee’s (supervisor) The result of the direct effect of Organizational Culture toward Organizational Commitment is 0.782 and to ward Job Performance is 0.743. The research is the direct effect Leadership toward Organizational Commitment is 0.632 and to ward Job Performance is 0.358. Beside, this research result the direct effect Organizational Commitment to Job Performance is 0.337. This research result useful for nect researchers, as research material in organizational behavior science or the same kind of science

 Key words: Organizational culture, leadership, organizational commitment and job performance

Pengaruh Kompensasi Finansial dan Non Finansial Terhadap Kepuasan Kerja Pegawai di Sekretariat Daerah Kabupaten Klungkung (Studi Kasus di Pemda Klungkung-Bali)

I Ketut Mustika

Pascasarjana STIE Triatma Mulya Badung, Bali

Abstract: This Research try to analyse compensation finansial and non finansial to officer satisfaction of secretariat sub-Province of Klungkung (case study in local government of Klungkung). Target which wish reached in this research is: (1) to study whether compensation finansial compensation and of non finansial together (simultan) have an effect on signifikan to officer Satisfaction of secretariat sub-Province of Klungkung (case study in local government of Klungkung); (2) to study whether compensation finansial compensation and non finansial by parsial have an effect on signifikan to officer satisfaction of secretariat sub-Province of Klungkung (case study in local government of Klungkung); and (3) to study whether of among dominant the compensation second have an effect on to officer satisfaction of secretariat sub-Province of Klungkung (case study in local government of Klungkung). Hypothesis raised in this research cover: (1) anticipated by that compensation finansial compensation and non finansial together (simultan) have an effect on signifikan to officer satisfaction of secretariat sub-Province of Klungkung (case study in local government of Klungkung); (2) anticipated by that compensation finansial compensation and non finansial by parsial have an effect on signifikan to officer satisfaction of secretariat sub-Province of Klungkung (case study in local government of Klungkung). Result of test T indicate that value of T hitung of each free variable (X1 = 7,700 and X2 = 6,633) bigger than T tabel (3,6611), so that Ho refused and H1 accepted its meaming is compensation  of finansial and  compensation non finansial by parsial have an effect on signifikan to satisfaction of officer of , secretariat sub-Province of Klungkung (case study in local government of Klungkung), so that hypothesis of second proven by the truth. Base on rangking assess standardized coeficients beta obtained by value of standardized coeficients of beta of variable compensation of finansial (0,446) bigger than value of standardized coeficients of beta of variable compensation non finansial (0,442). Matter this means compensation finansial have dominant influence to satisfaction of officer of secretariat sub-Province of Klungkung (case study in local government of Klungkung), so that the proven by third hypothesis is the truth.


Key words: Compensation financial and non financial, satisfaction.

Manajemen Konflik Atasi Dampak Masyarakat Multikultural di Indonesia

Ketut Gunawan

Universitas Panji Sakti Singaraja-Bali

Abstract: Indonesian society in demographic and olso sociologic is a form of multicultural society. This kind of society need to be well driven; otherwise it can arise many conflicts, wether it is vertical or horizontal conflict. The concrete example of this condition is an interethnic conflict which happened in west borneo, middle of Sulawesi, papua, ets. All of them were cused by the diversity in ethnics, religion, and races. The paper explains the conflict management to solve the impact of multi-culture in Indonesia. The purpose is to know about: a. conflict management; b. multicultural society; c. the impact of multicultural society; d. solving the problem which is caused by multicultural society in Indonesia. The result of this study shows that: a. To solve the conflicts, we need a conflict management aas a asignal to create a resolution needed; b. as a multicultural society, Indonesian people have diversity and differencies in races, religion, physical appearances, (skin color, hair, faces, posture, etc) and diversity in social group in society; c. the diversity in society, in fact, cause so many conflicts as a result of diversity in ethnics, religion, and races; d. to solve the problems caused by the multicultural society, we need a conflict management by  managing the local wisdom, national wisdom, and avoiding all things that can arise the conflics, fir example: 1) primordialism; 2) etnosentrism; 3) injustice; 4) stereotype, and implement many kids of techniques to solve those problems.


Key words: Conflict management, Indonesian society, multicultural society.

Analisis Perilaku Masyarakat Petambak Garam Terhadap Hasil Usaha di Kota Pasuruan


Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Dr. Soetomo Surabaya

Abstract: Salt production quality that produced by farmers in Pasuruan currently far from the expected most of the entrepreneurs in general, it is very influential on the results of operations or income earnedThe quality depends on the salt production season. So, one of them make less than optimal results of perations, and logicals on sequences have an impact on business results. By taking a sample of three districtswith a selection of sample locations based on potential areas, which will be taken from the district village, whose land has potential in the salt business people randomly selected 48 respondents. By using a qualitative research approach, which gives a clear descriptio of the conditions of social behavior, and economic situation of farmers against the salt business. Through a SWO analysis approaches to describe and interpret the meaning of secondary data and primary data, as well as the frequency table and served with direct quotes. In nominal income of the farmers of salt can be fairly large, but a problem because the income has not been able to raise the level of welfare. Found some respondents even though the education level is relatively low is able to achieve success in the salt business. But if traced further success factor is more in control of large tracts of land for salt production. Not on the capabilities and business skills that maximize limited resources to gain the maximum extent possible.


Key words: Community behavior, result of operations, economic empowerment.

Analisis Strategi Marketing Mix PT Combiphar serta Pengaruh Terhadap Peningkatan Volume Penjualan

Woro Utari

Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Wijaya Putra Surabaya

Abstract: Increasingly intense in the business world to make every company should be able to improve its strategy to be able to compete with other companies. Like other companies, then the PT Combiphar also trying to make the company’s strategy in an effort to win the competition. This study aims to determine the effect of marketing mix against sales volume. The unit of analysis in this study is the customer or agent. Sample This study took 100 agents from the PT. Combiphar Surabaya. Data were collected using a questionnaire that is provided to the respondents. Then analyzed using multiple linear regression analysis with SPSS tools. The results of data analysis showed that the marketing mix of product, price, place and promotion simultaneously significant effect on the volume of sales at PT. Combiphar. The results of data analysis is shown by calculating the F value has significance level of less than 0.05. Similarly, based on the results of analysis by the t test is known that the marketing mix partially significant effect on sales volume. The magnitude of the coefficient of determination (R2) is equal to 0.784, which means that the marketing mix is able to explain changes in sales volume by 78.4%.

Key words: Markting Mix, marketing strategy and Sales Volume.

Penerapan Organizational Citizenship Behavior dalam Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia pada Perguruan Tinggi

Pantja Djati dan Wahyu A. Rini

 Fakultas Ekonomi, Universitas Kristen Indonesia Jakarta

Departemen Matakuliah Umum, Universitas Kristen Petra Surabaya

Abstract: Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) is the attitude or behavior of an employee who knowingly and voluntarily for extra work beyond the job description has. There are three aspects relating to the creation of OCB that is moral, commitment, and motivation of employees. The results of previous studies stating that the OCB will inevitably impact the quality of service therefore OCB can be used as one method of approach in human resource management to improve employee performance. This method can be applied to measure the performances of lecturers at the university. The university leaders must be able to create a system in order to create a positive OCB for academicians who are thus able to provide the maximum benefit for the existing academic community.

 Key wods:      Organizational citizenship behavior, moral, comitment, motivation.

Sovereign Risk: Analisa Negara Berkembang (2004-2009)

Moch. Doddy Ariefianto dan Soenartomo Soepomo

Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis, Universitas Ma Chung Malang

Abstract: Credit Default Swap (CDS) emerged as a means of measuring sovereign risk. These studies analyze the CDS premiums to relationship econometrist variables commonly used as an explanatory sovereign rating. Based on the empirical literature 9 macroeconomic variables i.e. GDP growth, inflation, depreciation, yield spread (of the U.s. Treasury), the ratio of government debt, foreign exchange reserves, the fiscal deficit, the balance sheet ratio goes global risk appetite and is used to describe the movement of the tenor of the 5-year CDS. A panel dataset consisting of 10 developing countries in the period 2004-2009 used to verify that there is a pattern of relationships. Panel data estimation in Econometrics find risk appetite as the most important influences variables globally followed by foreign exchange reserves and yield spreads. This is consistent with empirical literature as well as showing a high affinity for the economy of developing countries with the world economic cycle.        

 Keywords: Sovereign risk, credit default swaps, the macroeconomic fundamentals, panel data