Analisa Tows dengan Pendekatan Model Landscape dan Elastisitas dalam Strategi Menurunkan Tingkat Pengangguran Terbuka (TPT) di Jatim

Hary Soegiri
Disnakertransduk Provinsi Jawa Timur

Abstract: East Java Province possesses the largest number of population and cities in Indonesia so that it gives a significant contribution to the complexity of manpower issues in Indonesia. One of the development performance indicators implied in the East Java Middle-Term Strategic Plan of 2009 – 2014 is the priority program on broadening job opportunities. The main goal of the program is to decrease the Open Unemployment Rate in East Java Province. Considering the economic changes and situation on global market, it was needed to overview some contributing variables in increasing the Unemployment Rate, and at the same time make some comprehensive and realistic strategic efforts in order to decrease the Open Unemployment Rate in East Java Province. In this context, the implementation of TOWS Analysis by using the Landscape Model Approach was carried out to make the strategic efforts become more actual and more future oriented. From the overview results, it was concluded that there were some contributing variables in increasing the Unemployment Rate in East Java Province. The first variable was new labor force which were just graduated from high school; the elasticity rate of the variable was 1.2% per year. Another one was the termination of employment with the elasticity rate of 0.03% – 0.05% per year. And finally the last one was the non labor force such as school students, housewives, and elderly people which entered into the job market because of the economic motive in fulfilling their family demands; the elasticity rate of the variable was 0.03% – 0.06% per year. Therefore, the options for the comprehensive and realistic strategic plan concerning the threat and opportunity factors and the assumption of situational factors in external environment (global market) are to maximize the program on broadening job opportunities especially for young labor force (25 – 34 years of age), to improve the manpower quality and productivity, and to improve labor protection and welfare.


Key works: Open unemployment rate, TOWS analysis, East Java Province.

Perencanaan dan Pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia Berbasiskan Kearifan Lokal pada Aspek Budaya dan Motivasi Sebagai Unsur dalam Hubungan Industrial

Dewi Urip Wahyuni

STIE Fatahillah Surabaya

Teman Koesmono

Fakultas Ekonomi, Universitas Katholik Widya Mandala Surabaya

Abstract: The purpose of this article is discribe the problem of planning and development of human resources based on the local wisdom to the culture aspects and motivations as an element in industrial relations. Human resource development is needed on the short term and long term to prepare the workforce that is able to perform its duties according to their competence. Worker behavior is closely related to organizational culture and motivation. In addition, job satisfaction make the drive to improve performance and organization culture as social glue is used as the basis to implement industrial relations activities. In industrial relations should be based on local wisdom through the elements of culture, motivation and able to change employee behavior becomes stronger and more productive for the organization.

Key works:         Human resource planning and development, culture, motivation, job satisfaction, industrial relations

Pengukuran Kinerja Personil Perwira, Bintara, dan PNS pada Polwiltabes Surabaya

Pantja Djati, Michael Adiwijaya

Fakultas Ekonomi, Universitas Kristen Petra Surabaya

Abstract: The service industry must deliver the excellent service performances in order to satisfy its customers. The same situation is applied to the public institution that serve the interest of the society. This research measured the performances of the Surabaya Police Department Staffs, as one of the public institutions, that protects, supports, and serves the society in Surabaya. The measurement incorporated several variables such as the speed of work, the quality of work,  the endurance of work, the accuracy of work, and the partnership opportunity of work. The findings revealed that those variables influenced the performances of the Surabaya Police Department staffs. In addition, the institution has the high score of performances.

Key works:  Service performances measurement, Surabaya police department.

Analisis Potensi Pengembangan Ekonomi Masyarakat dan Perencanaan Usaha (Studi pada Budidaya Petani Mangga Gadung Klonal 21)


Fakultas Ekonomi, Universitas Dr. Soetomo Surabaya

Abstract: One indicator of community empowerment is the ability and freedom to make the best choices in determining or improving their lives. Community empowerment associated with the provision of access for communities, institutions, and community organizations in obtaining and using for the improvement of people’s right to life, especially economic, social and community. A business plan drawn up through the phases of the process is good and right will be able to assist management in reducing the impact of various aspects of change that may occur, minimizing the risk level and the actions that are not necessary, and maximizing business success through the utilization of organizational resources owned effective and efficient. Aside from being a tool of management, business planning can also serve as a tool for enterprises concerned to communicate with the GCC interested parties (stakeholders) including among potential investors and creditors (banks). In the economic environment uncertainty, as now, with business planning will greatly assist in overcoming obstacles and barriers in running the business. Efforts to market the products and results of operations is supported by the success of a business itself, which is highly dependent on the ability of managers to recognize how big the company that owns the resources.

 Key works: Potential, economics, society, business planning.

Analisis Hubungan Spread of Interest Rate, Fee Based Income, dan Loan to Deposit Ratio dengan ROA pada Perbankan di Jawa Timur

Pompong B. Setiadi

Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Administrasi dan Manajemen Kepelabuhanan (STIAMAK)

Abstract: This experiment have done to know whether relation between spread of interest rate, fee based income, and loan to deposit ratio with profitability (ROA) of Government Bank, Private Bank, and Foreign Bank at East Java. In this experiment using secondary data that is financial ratio which got from scale of profit/loss bank or the data of ratio financial of banking are ROA, Spread of Interest Rate, Fee Based Income, and Loan to Deposit Ratio which tim series during 5 years (December 31’ 2005 – December 31’2009 and cross section to all sample of experiment (Government Bank, Private Bank, and Foreign Bank). After the investigation have done with analysis of double regresi therefore the result is positive relation which significant between spread of interest rate, fee based income, and loan to deposit ratio with profitability (ROA) to Government Bank, Private Bank, and Foreign Bank. Means that gathering spread of interest rate, fee based income, and loan to deposit ratio influence profitability (ROA) Government Bank, Private Bank, and Foreign Bank.


Key works: Spread of interest rate, fee based income, loan to deposit ratio, ROA.

Peran Faktor-Faktor Individual dan Pertimbangan Etis Terhadap Perilaku Auditor dalam Situasi Konflik Audit pada Lingkungan Inspektorat Sulawesi Tenggara

Widi Hidayat

Fakultas Ekonomi Bisnis Universitas Airlangga Surabaya

Sari Handayani

Alumni Fakultas Ekonomi Bisnis Universitas Airlangga Surabaya

Abstract: In general, this research aim to know interaction between personality factors and cognate factor to behavior of auditor in situation of audit conflict. In particular, this research tests the role of individual factors consisted of by locus of control, self efficacy, level of education, job experience and gender, to behavior of auditor in situation of audit conflict that is ability of auditor to receive or refuses desire of account to a finding, moderating with ethical consideration. This research applies data obtained from respondent answer in filling questionaire submitted. Respondent in this research is auditor working for Inspektorat Daerah. Data in analysis applies Modered Regression Analysis. This analysis finds that interaction between locus of control, as of ldf efficacy, and level of education with ethical consideration had an effect on to behavior of auditor in situation of audit conflict. While interaction between job experiences and gender with ethical consideration doesn’t have an effect on to behavior of auditor in situation of audit conflict. This finding gives support from to research before all and behavior accounting literature. Result of this study implied that explicit recognition of  personality variables (i.e. locus of control, self efficacy, level of education, job experience and gender) and ethical consideration as cognitie style variable provides a better explanation for audit practice in an auditor’s ethical decision making. Other implications for audit practice were also considered. In addition, to understand the result and implication, constrain and limitations of this study should be carefully though about and for this reason, the study also proposes the directions for future research in the areas. 


Key works:       Locus of control, self efficacy, level of education, job experience, gender, ethical consideration, and behavior of auditor in situation of audit conflict

Faktor-Faktor yang Berpengaruh Terhadap Kelengkapan Administrasi Pelayanan Kesehatan Pasien Jamkesmas (Studi Crossectional pada Pasien Jamkesmas di RSUD Kabupaten Kediri)


Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Dr. Soetomo Surabaya

Abstract: Health service was everyone’s right and particularly for the poor. In order to get Jamkesmas (Public Health Insurance) service they have to fulfill all administrative completeness. In facts incomplete administrative conditions were still often found. This is related to education, experience and knowledge of poor patients. The objective of this research was to find out the factors associated with respect the administrative completeness of Jamkesmas patients health service for the poor in Regional General Hospital Kabupaten Kediri. The design of this research was cross sectional. The population was all poor outpatients in Regional General Hospital Kabupaten Kediri. The samples were 96 responders and taken by consecutive sampling technique. The data of educations, knowledge and experience were obtained by questionnaires while administration completeness assessment were done by observation sheet and analyzed logistics regression and presented in pie graphs and tables. The researches showed no influence between education and Jamkesmas administrative completeness (sig. = 0,713 > α 0,05), there is a influence between knowledge and Jamkesmas service administrative completeness (sig. = 0,000 < α 0,05), there is no influence between experience and Jamkesmas service administrative completeness (sig. = 0,108 > α 0,05), and there is a influence between education, knowledge, and experience and Jamkesmas service administrative completeness for the poor (sig. = 0,002 < α 0,05) Because the administrative completeness was a technical issue and in order to fulfill it they must know the conditions first. The conclusion was the knowledge improvement was needed to enlarge the scope of Jamkesmas service administrative completeness for the poor. The health officers were recommended to inform about Jamkesmas service administrative completeness to the poor.


Key works:       Education, Experience, Knowledge, Jamkesmas Administrative Completeness


Electronic Data Interchange (EDI): Pengaruhnya Terhadap Strategi Pencapaian Keunggulan Kompetitif

Slamet Riyadi

Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Surabaya

Abstract: Conditions in an increasingly competitive economic environment, companies are required to always follow the development of sophisticated information technology, this is done so that companies can gain competitive advantage or at least be able to survive in favorable conditions. One of the technologies that can be applied to obtain these advantages is EDI. EDI can be used as a strategy because with the EDI cost leadership strategy can be met several advantages keungulan-EDI. Apart from the benefits and constraints that are owned EDI, to consider the implementation of EDI, the main thing to consider is the decision regarding the comparison between the costs and benefits that will be given EDI itself.

 Key works: Electronic Data Interchange (EDI), Strategies for achieving competitive advantag